「浴衣で夏のお祭りに!エコ着付け教室/-Why don’t you dress up in beautiful and eco-friendly kimono?」が開催されます! | イベント・講演 | 京都大学COC事業「COCOLO域」



「浴衣で夏のお祭りに!エコ着付け教室/-Why don’t you dress up in beautiful and eco-friendly kimono?」が開催されます!

2016年7月6日~8日に、エコ~るど京大が主催のイベント「浴衣で夏のお祭りに!エコ着付け教室/-Why don’t you dress up in beautiful and eco-friendly kimono?」が開催されます!COCOLO域からも、京都着物企画とともに共催させていただいております。以下、Facebookより詳細です!




京都の夏といえば、やはりお祭り! お祭りといえば浴衣! というわけで浴衣の着付けを学びませんか? しかし、特別な日のためだけの浴衣や着物…、としてしまうともったいない! 日本の伝統的な服だっただけのことはあって、着物には、エコな視点から見ても、様々な知恵が詰まっております! 特に浴衣は究極のクールビズです! この機会に、京の心で涼しさを感じ取りましょう!

◆日時≪男性≫:2016年7月7日(木)18:15-19:00  ※所要各45分を予定しています
◆場所:本部構内 工学部・物理系校舎 北館7階(内線:5922)
◆申込:ecocheck@eprc.kyoto-u.ac.jp にお名前、性別、ご所属、参加可能日(調整のため、可能な日は全てお書きください)を記載してメールしてください。

Don’t miss the great opportunity to master wearing kimono!
~Eco-*eko Project II~
There are a number of things to learn if you want to be a true “Kyoto-jin” and to lead a eco-friendly life. To help you, we have set up Eco-eko Project. “Eko(回向)” is the Buddhist word which means offering the reward for one’s training to other people and in turn accomplishing realization oneself, and we hope that you will benefit the natural environment and in turn also benefit yourself through this project. The project includes a tea-making class, a kimono-wearing class, eco-friendly cooking class, and eco-friendly DIY class. In July, we are having the kimono-wearing class.
What do you associate Japan’s summer with? Exciting festivals? Beautiful fireworks displays? And what do you want to wear for these events? Aren’t you imagining dressing up in attractive kimono? Then, don’t miss out on this class! However, it’s regrettable to regard kimono only as special clothes for special days. As you may know, Japanese people have traditionally enjoyed kimono, and so, it is surprisingly practical and also environmentally friendly. In fact, yukata (summer kimono) is a perfect cool biz fashion. So, why don’t you enjoy coolness in a traditional Japanese style?

◆Date : (female) 2016/7/6 (Wed) ・8 (Fri) 18:15~19:00
(male) 2016/7/7(Thr) 18:15~19:00
◆Venue: Faculty of Engineering Engineering Science Depts Bldg 7F in Main Campus (Tel 075-753-5922)
*The building is numbered 57 in the KU campus map (http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/access/yoshida/main.html). When you get in at the entrance, turn left, and use the elevator to reach 7F. We are waiting for you in Room 706,707 located at the end of the corridor (east).

◆Application: Send a mail to ecocheck@eprc.kyoto-u.ac.jp. Write your name, sex, affiliation, and convenient days. Write all because it might be necessary to adjust the number of participants.
◆Participation fee: If you bring your own kimono, the cost is free, but if you don’t, you need to pay 500 yen as the cost of cleaning.
We recommend you to get second hand Kimono at shops (from 2,000 yen). If you need information, please feel free to contact us.
◆Organizers: École de Kyodai, Kyoto-kimonokikaku, KU COC project (COCOLO-iki)
